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Re: [microsound] [ot] tech question regarding mp3's
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the best I can think of is to put an image url in the id3 tags.
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<-----Original Message----->
>From: j.frede
>Sent: 5/11/2002 8:26:20 PM
>To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [microsound] [ot] tech question regarding mp3's
>sorry if this is off topic. but could anyone tell me if its possible to
embed a .jpg/.bmp/etc to a
>mp3? so say if it was cover art i would be displayed in the media
window of what ever player was
>being used to play it?
>oh yes, im a PC user so keep that in mind.
>any help or suggestions would be great.
>thank you
>current location:los angeles
>po.box 292045 los angeles, ca 90029