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Re: [microsound] oh drat. not more software again....
G. Tayor>>>
I think that the
world in general is best served when one engages in
the act of matching tools to technques, intention,
re$ource$, and the temperament of the user. In order
to do that, you need to actually hear what people
are interested in doing, which might only further
annoy you. So I do that offline.
Yes, I think that was what I was trying to get at in my post, hope I did not
offend any max/msp users, but its important for people to understand that
creativity and ideas are what make microsound interesting. Understanding all
the software possiblitites is an endless maze, I know when I first became
interested in trying to experiment with sound, it seemed like some huge
magically world and at that time software was limited to cubase or rebirth
or deck and the only easy to use modular environment was turbo synth
(max/msp was around as well, not to mention generator ect...). It takes alot
of time for one to find a working process they are comfortable with, and not
everyone out there wants to invest time into learning something like an
object orientent programming language. But for others creating an
environment is essential for what they want to do. And this leads to what I
feel keeps microsound interesting and viable, the process becomes just as
important as the tools, sure you hear the tools, but I think the process
gets out-weight by focusing on the tools. Remember there often is a rather
interesting process behind the birth of those tools that yeild the various
sounds that make up microsound.
Anyhow I hope this helps move the discussion into a positive light.
BTW - did anyone see that funny picture of the cycling74 crew on the table
of contents for the novemebr issue of XCLR8R?
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