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Re: [microsound] good flavor means good taste!
nice to see nautical almanac mentioned here... not sure about "bad tools",
carly & twig of na are just as intense about their tools as the computer
futuristos on this list... tho mebbe more of a looking into the past for
discardeds plus getting literally inside devices & rewiring them to allow
hands-on interfaces, patchbays that allow multiple alignments of signal
path, advanced circuit-bending... they sell a lot of stuff on ebay... a
customized drum machine earlier... lots of vintage tubes, speakers,
household goods purchased at estate sales etc... they know their stuff...
and imhofwiw are just as fetishistic about their tools... tho i doubt they
would appreciate my saying so... i will definitely say that watching them
play beats the shit out of watching anyone "playing the sims" on their
laptop... perhaps something to be learned by the academix about
presentation...??? just my $o.o2...
james twig harper _brainwave_ cdr (commodore 54 permutations)
c ptak _prepare yourself_ (??~~~!!! you tell me)
forthcoming field recodings series starting with the recorded sounds of
atlantic sea crabs... (or something close to that)
+anything on heresee
----- Original Message -----
From: "Antonio Hubilla" <ah827@xxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] good flavor means good taste!
> composition aside,
> i think there is something to be said about musicians who actual use
> certain technologies, or lack of, to produce interesting & compelling
> music. for example, musicians who use things like feedback-mixers.
> but again, in my own experience of playing feedback-mixer, it was
> important for me to have the right kind of mixer, for the kind of music i
> was playing. i tried switching to a cheaper, shittier (not that one
> implies the other) mixer, which didn't even make a sound when i plugged it
> into itself.
> so, to drive the point even further into the ground, good tools do not
> necessarily mean good music, as pointed out before. in fact, "bad" tools
> can give you some interesting results (look at the midwest's Nautical
> Almanac, or even E.A.R. for example). but, it is still necessary for one
> to have the proper tools, to do a proper job.
> love
> toni000
> student.bard.edu/~ah827
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