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Re: [microsound] Re: microsound Digest 8 Nov 2002 04:35:09 -0000 Issue 694
>If we have
> an easy to use tool, but nobody ever uses it to make something good,
> doesn't that mean it's really a bad tool?
does an example of this exist in the real world? humans are good at making
'good' sounds come from innocuous objects... washboards, saws, spoons,
wineglasses, sticks... or from devices such as turntables that weren't
necessarily intended to be instruments but have become instruments through
human ingenuity. conversely, I can't think of one tool that is so 'bad' that
it could not potentially used to make something that someone somewhere finds
'good.' so the whole issue seems pretty subjective.
is there an example of one tool that's sooooo bad-- the edsel of musical
instruments-- that a good sound could never ever come from it?