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Re: [microsound] "the message's in the muuuusic" (or machines operating properly, machines breaking down, and sword fighting (was max/msp history))

> i'm happy to announce that "good" music has *nothing* to do with "good"
> heres a nice piece, by chance its a keynote by head of cycling74, david
zicarelli -
> http://benares.centrotemporeale.it/~icmc2001/after/keynote.php3
>  - stephan

nice piece.
  and after the the good/bad/whatever music has been produced with
good/bad/whatever tools we have to consider the good/bad/whatever audio
equipment the listener has at home.

sounds made at my place can sound so different on some of my friends

from the above link:
"timbre-obsessed composition imagines that listeners have eighth-inch stereo
plugs that connect directly to their brains, that will allow the perception
of subtle spectral changes. Would you want your latest work played over AM
radio? Would its musicality survive? I'm not saying it has to, but those
constructing the most perfect (machines operating properly) or perfectly
imperfect (machines breaking down) landscapes should keep in mind that
massive imperfection in the form of various transducers lies at the end of
the road."
