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(self)degradation WAS: onkyo and a general introduction

about the subject of recording of things in degradation, slightly touched
recently, there's a nice little cd 3" by collin ollan titled "rec01"
the sleeve notes explain it all: "two waterproofed contact microphones were
frozen inside an approximately 10"x10" block of ice. the ice was then
submerged in water and the entire melting process recorded. no processing
has been made to this recording with the exception of minor digital errors
being removed".

also some some time ago thilges 3 from austria did the live soundtrack
(cfr. "rosner", also on 3") for "perfektes verschwinden" (meaning perfect
vanishing), an installation by austrian artist claudia marzendorfer where
eight coloured ice sculptures were, of course, melting during the
performance. this documentation of a materic alteration from the solid to
the liquid state is maybe a methapor of transitoriness of existence. who

cheers :: nic

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{ { d i s c o g r a p h y } }

z_e_l_l_e | nth | line (aug 2001)
"zen enlightenment lifts life energy" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) jan 2002
"shayozoku" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) sept 2002

z_e_l_l_e | rjctd::nw | TBA (TBA)
"kitanai" on star6_789' v.2 (http://www.star6789.tk/) (TBA)
"tief herz" on crowns of sound (http://shi-ra-nui.hoops.ne.jp/) (TBA)

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third channel of italian national broadcasting company)

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00127 Roma
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