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Re: [microsound] physical filter

Don't mean to be rude but this kinda seems like flamebait....
I mean, we all know that there are physical, mechanical, technological, 
cultural, etc. forces acting in every situation and that there is no 
'pure' expression that exists outside of any technological, cultural, 
etc. situation. And that the filter of 'physical actions' is called the 
body, which exists and has an influence whether or not you choose to 
recognize it.


If anything I'd point to the filter of instrument design as it relates 
to harmony and the atomic units of traditional music (notes).
The point about exchange value is a good one, though.


> On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:15:41 -0800
> Kim wrote:
>> no...I'm describing the 'filter' of having to translate musical ideas 
>> into
>> physical actions required to play a traditional instrument...laptops 
>> remove
>> this filter and this is part of what people feel they're missing out 
>> on in
>> the 'exchange value' involved in a musical performance...too busy to 
>> go in
>> detail...
