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Re: Re[2]: [microsound] it ain't me babe...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Flannery" <newgrange@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> David B. wrote to microsound:
> DB> What makes you think they're playing in 7tet?
> This page on their website might give that impression on first reading
> http://www.oberlin.edu/~chlatham/guys.html
> (tho I don't think it *quite* says that ;^>)

on the site:

>The neck of each inst, where the strings are stretched, is divided 
>into octaves, and within each octave, 7 equal steps each. 
>We tune the strings themselves to intervals that aren't found 
>on the lengthwise divisions of the inst. For example, four to 
>nine, six to seven, and nine halfs to ten.

Sorry, I didn't catch that. Thanks.

* David Beardsley
* http://biink.com
* http://mp3.com/davidbeardsley
