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Re: [microsound] w3rd naw

"kEro [logistics] ©" wrote:

> kool, i will ask them, but i think twerk and monolake are both just audio
> guys and not much in the video thing. i need someone who is familiar with
> Nato or something. All i really want to know is , is that funktion in Auto
> illustrator generate random stuff real time with midi over ethernet. if so
> who got dem patches dog!

Might want to ask Johnny Dekam at Vidvox
he's currently working on VDMX version 3
and has developed the best Video Mixing
processing program based on Max/Nato.


also might want to ask on the eyecandy
mailing list (see yahoo groups)


Kerry Uchida

"Looks like you're finding your way home.
Wandering through the desert of life
with a tall glass of fresh spring water."

Suzy White
