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Re: [microsound] 'the bleeding edge, etc.'
ross birdwise wrote:
> I was wondering what people's opinions on this list
> are about what is cutting edge ,or bleeding edge even,
> in electronic music today?
Yes, please. I myself have not been thrilled by anything
lately. Nothing is new. Nothing is cutting edge. Nothing is
thrilling me. Hell I got more of a kick listening to 80's ballads
in taxicabs in mexico than anything else recently.
> It seems like most of the
> people on this list agree that we don't need a visual
> physical presence in performance,
careful...your generalizing here. Might be those
that disagree weren't attracted to the the visual
presence of the thread.
Kerry Uchida
"Looks like you're finding your way home.
Wandering through the desert of life
with a tall glass of fresh spring water."
Suzy White