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Re: [microsound] R: [microsound] THE NEW NEGLIGENT ART
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>Negligence produces a lot of dirt. As in a house, so in the mind, only a
>very little dirt collects in a day or two, but if it goes on for many years,
>it will grow into a vast heap of refuse.
>-Commentary to Sutta Nipata
>From "365 Buddha: Daily Meditations," edited by Jeff Schmidt.
.... and last time i checked, dirt produces a helluva lot of flowers. i think mebbe the point here is to get everyone (everyone is a theorist now) off the backs of artists so that they have time to do some work without pre-labeling and pre-marketing their works.
youth culture is having the same problem. there are so many business people out and about looking under every stone for the next big thing that the next big thing doesn't have the space to mature. nothing has a chance to ripen. tragic.
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