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should have used his sons Merzbow CD
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from an interview with Al and Tipper Gore concerning the recount on the 200=
Presidential election:
> AL GORE: Well, this was the Republican response to what was happening dur=
> that 36-day period, and they organized busloads of people that came and s=
> outside the house all day and all night screaming at the top of their lun=
> WALTERS: What, "Get out!"?
> TIPPER GORE: Things like that, yes, and, and sometimes =8A things that we d=
> want to say on your program, and, some people saw that they were buses fr=
> "churches," but it was organized. The one thing that, that they did mainl=
y was
> reach the bedrooms of our children, and Albert was still in school locall=
> and trying to study, so we rearranged, you know, they =8A kids moved to a
> different part of the house, and I was trying to think of a way that we c=
> kind of laugh about this since obviously it was out of our control, there
> wasn't anything anybody could do so I got all the boom boxes in the house=
> =8A I remember sort of what the government did with Noriega =8A I thought we'=
d try
> that, and I aimed them at, toward, you know, where the crowd =8A
> WALTERS: The crowd?
> TIPPER GORE: =8A And I put nature sounds on and turned it all the way up. A=
nd at
> least the kids laughed.