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Re: [microsound] should have used his sons Merzbow CD
> TIPPER GORE: Things like that, yes, and, and sometimes ? things that we
> want to say on your program, and, some people saw that they were buses
> "churches," but it was organized. The one thing that, that they did
mainly was
> reach the bedrooms of our children, and Albert was still in school
> and trying to study, so we rearranged, you know, they ? kids moved to
> different part of the house, and I was trying to think of a way that
we could
> kind of laugh about this since obviously it was out of our control,
> wasn't anything anybody could do so I got all the boom boxes in the
house and
> ? I remember sort of what the government did with Noriega ? I
> thought we'd try that, and I aimed them at, toward, you know, where the
crowd ?
:) Ah, if only this kind of tactic were possible to do toward the White
House.... in order to drive out the profound idiocy and incompetence that
currently runs rampant there.
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