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Re: [microsound] webmixing...great fun
This looks pretty cool, though there's something really liberating about
using nothing more specialized than a browser and your bookmarks. In any
case, I'll have to download MuSE to my linux box and play with it...
though my good soundcard is in my windows box :o(
Which reminds me, I've been meaning to ask if anyone has come across a
linux program that does loop manipulation on a par with Ableton Live.
I'm totally hooked on Live. Well, actually I'm hooked on Steinberg's GRM
Tools... those plugins rock. So, I guess I'd be more interested in
GRM-type tools for linux... for that matter, are there VST plug-ins at
all for linux?
heretico wrote:
> check out MuSE
> a tool for mixing streams
> at http://dyne.org