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[microsound] definition? of Microsound and an MP3 label
First, to add the growing list of MP3 labels, here is one from Atlanta:
LifeForm Project
So far, IMHO, this label does not have any 'Microsound' representation which
had me wondering, how would someone define music as 'microsound' as opposed to
it being IDM, hip-hop, techno, etc (yes, I do categorize microsound as a genre
as well as a means to an end). I consider my work to fall into the category
of Microsound but this is only by my own definition (i.e. the usage of sounds
with short durations, or short modulation frequencies to create larger
structures that are either\both rhythmic or melodic in nature).
For example, if I had a one minute sine tone that is a non-moving (meaning,
lack of modulation, etc), I would not consider this microsound, but if this
same tone was being modulated with a very fast source, or a source with a
short duration, this to me could be called microsound. But what if this same
tone stays consistent, and then has an occasional short duration burst of
modulation, I would be inclined to think of this a microsound.
The artist's name escapes me at the moment, but I heard a CD by someone
(potentially on this list) that was a 20 minute tone with minute modulation
and and occasional (about every ten minutes) tiny burst.
Of course, this is only an example and is in no way an attempt to characterize
this as the definitive definition of microsound (I actually try to see how
much I can cram into a short amount of time).
Anyway, maybe to define someone's audio as microsound, the creator has to
first define it as such? Otherwise it is hip-hop, IDM or country? Some audio
I create uses elements of microsound while other tracks I would consider to be
all microsound.
Seeking clarity, I appreciate your thoughts.
Thank you,
James B. Parker