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Re: [microsound] A remark about the list [ot]

---- this looks like a modern interpretation of Kafka Paradigm ---------
--- except "burn" means something else nowadays --------
-- every diffusion is an evidence of our arrogance --------------
--------- should I change my email adress to militate against
mass-media --------
--- should I have to vanish -----------------
----------------- or use ogg system -----------------
------ or have no website at all -----------
-- because internet is the medium of the media ----------
--------- and nobody can contest television with a tv show -----
--- (this was the subject of a polemic involving Pierre Bourdieu back here
in France a few months ago) ---
-------- maybe we will spend the rest of our lives wrapped in "maybes" ---
------------------------ action ------------------------------


ps: i can't speak english very well. but i can read it. maybe that's why I
(and a lot of people here) prefer to read your conversations and just post
auto-advertisement to you, brilliant people. ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "fatih kizilgok" <fkizilgok@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 10:39 PM
Subject: [microsound] A remark about the list

> Hello!
> I would love to see what everybody else think about people that just use
> this list as an advertisement board? I mean, I do enjoy reading the
> discussions, they are very informative for someone like me that is ONLY AN
> AUDIENCE MEMBER. (I do not practice every interesting music that I enjoy
> most of the people here seems to do.) Ok, I only get the digest version,
> man, Seeing Twine ads and a little footnote (discography, concert dates,
> girlfriend blurbs etc.) under most people's e-mail is really distracting
> a little funny. It seems like this is a growing activity among the
> underground. Why would someone do such a thing while in the same time
> criticizing the mass media noise? Would you feel comfortable if you were
> a car-racing list and people would just post pictures of their own cars
> rant about their rave machines and tell you dates of when they will drive
> through your town? I just want to overhear discussions about intellectual
> ideas about music and sound, and actually this list does it really well
> if you could filter out where the new up-coming ARTIST is playing next
> and what url to go to to check out his mp3s.
> It seems like the appreciation-refuse relationship is changing in our
> you do not need any fans to be famous, you do not need to be a appreciated
> musician in order to perform, you do need to get your demo to record
> in order to get it released. You could be famous by believing firmly that
> you are respectable, you could record every single button push and release
> it on your own, you could create your own covers by following the trends.
> This could be te result of the croni-DIY era, huh? You buy a cd, you like
> the music, you get on the internet, you look at concert pictures, gear
> etc. to figure out what gear musicians use, then, you go down to guitar
> center, or go online again and let your credit card do the rest. After you
> have all the gear, you go through the manuals and figure out how to get
> INSTRUMENT to bearly work and try to imitate the sounds you have heard on
> the cd. After you record your COMPOSITIONS and naming them ACCORDINGLY,
> depending on the length of music you could come up with, you go online
> to order 100 3" cdrs or 100 normal cdrs and burn them home without the
> labels and most likely put them in a clear see-through MINIMALIST cover.
> Then go online again, buy a url and server space and name it
> www.awordfromajohncagebook.com or www.thisworddoesexistinthedictionary.com
> and then sell your cd online. Also make sure you emphasize the limited
> editionness of your cd to make people believe that there is some other
> of superior value to your cd than the music it contains. Then, post your
> and url on a mailing list so you can get a crowd and also start thinking
> cool you are going to be on stage with your new gear making music that
> AUDIENCE members will not understand unless they are interested in your
> gear.
> I am sure this post of mine could piss some people off, but that is ok as
> long as they explain to me why I am wrong. I also wanted to say to those
> spoiled my ears with their genius music over the years, Thank you very
> for your geniuneness and shining the light through so much crap that the
> digitalist post-modern times brought to my life.
> special note for Twine: I am sorry I used your name, but I chose you as
> poster-child because, I have heard you perform live here in Boulder at
> and I did not think you were as accomplished as you believe and want to
> believe that you are. I remember you wrote something on somewhere on the
> internet saying you could spit out a merzbow track in half an hour.  I
> easily say the same thing about your music actually, it is very on the
> surface and does not strike any kind of emotions or feelings about life
> music and sound itself. (from what I have heard so-far that is) it is not
> the time that counts in order to make as genuine a music as Merzbow does.
> am sure before you even now what a microphone or a filter was, Merzbow was
> investigating the hidden depths of sound,noise and music. Although, I
> also like to say that I liked your work with Mark Amerika on Filmtext. I
> thought your project with Mark in Japan was very interesting from what I
> heard from him and john Vega.
> Goodbye.
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