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mp3 and CD-r labels
I've been a week away from home and.. wow! how many emails from the
Anyway, I haven't read all the posts about mp3 labels but I hope you
find this post useful.
This is a huge list of mp3 and CD-r labels that you can find on this
wonderful website:
[ here it is the list cut and pasted for the lazy people: ]
absinthRecords (Marcus.Liebig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) - CD-R (Germania)
Absurd (http://www.anet.gr/absurd) - CD-R (Grecia)
Acid Fake (http://www.acidfake.tk) - CD-R (Macedonia)
Aesova (http://www.aesova.org) (http://www.aesova.org/mp3.htm) - CD-R /
mp3 (USA)
Afe records (http://www.aferecords.com) - CD-R (Italia)
Alienation (http://www.ops.dti.ne.jp/%7Ethirdorg) - CD-R (Giappone)
Alku (http://personal.ilimit.es/principio) - CD-R (Spagna)
Alluvial (alluvial@xxxxxxxxxxx) - CD-R (USA)
Anaemic Waves Factory (http://www.awf.it) - CD-R (Italia)
And/OAR (http://www.and-oar.org) - CD-R (USA)
Ants (http://www.silenzio-distribuzione.it) - CD-R (Italia)
Bake Records/Staalplaat (http://www.staalplaat.com) - CD-R (Olanda)
Blade Records (http://web.tiscalinet.it/bladerecords) - CD-R (Italia)
BOXmedia (http://www.boxmedia.com) - CD-R (USA)
Celebrate psi phenomenon (http://www.cpsip.co.nz) - CD-R (Nuova Zelanda)
Centibel (http://centibel.vze.com) - mp3 (Canada)
Centuries Records (http://www.star6789.tk) - CD-R (Macedonia)
Chocolate Guns (http://chocolateguns.cjb.net) - CD-R (Italia)
Crank Satori (http://cranksatori.net) - CD-R (USA)
Commie (http://commie.oy.com) - mp3 (Finlandia)
Datamusik (http://www.datamusik.dk) - mp3 (Danimarca)
Death Paradise Autoproductions (deathparadise@xxxxxxxxxxxx - CD-R
degradazione digitale /microsuoni (http://www.microsuoni.com) - mp3
Deterrent (http://www.deterrent.net) - CD-R / mp3 (Canada)
Doctsect (http://www.doctsect.com) - CD-R (USA)
Edition Ausland (http://www.ausland-berlin.de) - CD-R (Germania)
Electraum (http://everything.does.it) - mp3 (Danimarca)
Evenement0 (http://www.evenement0.net) - mp3 (Francia)
8 Bit Recordings (http://www.8bitrecs.com) - mp3 (UK)
Everything (http://everything.does.it) - mp3 (Canada)
Fällt/Ferric (http://www.fallt.com) - CD-R (Irlanda del Nord)
Fals.ch (http://fals.ch) - mp3 (Germania)
Fencing Flatworms Recordings
(http://website.lineone.net/~fencing.flatworm) - CD-R (UK)
Generator (http://www.generatorsoundart.org) - CD-R (USA)
Grain Of Sound (http://www.grainofsound.com) - CD-R (Portogallo)
Hibari Music (www.hibarimusic.com) - CD-R (Giappone)
Homemade Avantgarde (http://listen.to/homemadeavantgarde) - CD-R
Insine (http://www.insine.net) - CD-R / mp3 (UK)
Is Land Sound (http://members.tripod.com/~is_landsoundimprint) - CD-R /
mp3 (Nuova Zelanda)
Microsound (http://www.microsound.org/parasites)
(http://www.microsound.org/mcdonna) (http://microsound.org/bufferfuct) -
mp3 (USA)
MicroWaves/Staalplaat (http://www.staalplaat.com) - CD-R (Olanda)
Milk Musik (http://www.molr.terra.pl) - CD-R (Polonia)
Mouthmoth Records (http://www.mouthmoth.go.to) - CD-R (Scozia)
mp3 Magazine /Mille Plateaux (http://www.mille-plateaux.net) - mp3
Mr.Mutt (http://www.tu-m.com) - CD-R (Italia)
Mystery Sea (http://home.planetinternet.be/~chalkdc) - CD-R (Belgio)
Neverkink (http://neverkink.net) - mp3 (?)
no type (http://www.notype.com) - mp3 (Canada)
Ojo De Apolo (http://www.ojodeapolo.cl) - CD-R (Cile)
Oltre il Suono (http://web.tiscali.it//oltreilsuono) - CD-R / mp3
Ogredung (http://www.ogredung.inpuj.net) - mp3 (Italia)
Ooze.bàp (http://www.oozebap.org/index.htm) - CD-R (Spagna)
Pale_Mother (http://www. mindwerk.dk/pale_mother/frontpage.htm) - CD-R
Pre-Feed (http://move.to/Pre_feed) - CD-R (Italia)
Quakebasket (http://www.quakebasket.com) - CD-R (USA)
Retinascan (http://www.retinascan.de) - CD-R (Germania)
S'Agita Recordings - (http://www.sagitarecordings.dot.nu) - CD-R
Skylab Operations (http://www.skylaboperations.com) - CD-R / mp3
Somnambulant Corpse (http://www.somnambulantcorpse.com) - CD-R (USA)
Soulworm Editions (http://www.soulworm.com) - CD-R (Polonia)
Spectrum (http://dive.to/spectrum) - mp3 (Italia)
Stasisfield (http://www.stasisfield.com) - CD-R / mp3 (USA)
Taâlem (http://come.to/taalem) - CD-R / mp3 (Francia)
TechNOH (http://i-ii.org/techNOH) - mp3 (UK)
Term. / 12k (http://www.12k.com/term) - mp3 (USA)
Throat (http://throat.org) - CD-R / mp3 (USA)
Tiln (http://www.aesova.org/tiln) - mp3 (USA)
Touch (http://www.touch.demon.co.uk) - CD-R (UK)
tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) - mp3 (Italia)
Two thousand and (http://www.twothousandand.com) - CD-R (UK)
Under my bed recordings (http://www.undermybed.org) - CD-R (UK/Italia)
White Rose (http://white-rose.net/index2002.shtml) - CD-R (USA)
z.n.s. (http://zns.gewalt-am-objekt.org) - mp3 (?)
... e.g.ø :: http://eeegggooo.cjb.net