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Re: [microsound] it began in africa??

>do you know something about the electronic music in
>africa? some artists, labels...??
>recently i wrote some articles for some local
>magazines, and i've mentioned many artists and labels
>from usa, europe, australia, russia...  i'm interested
>to find out about some people or labels who make or
>release electronic music, and come from africa...
>help!?  :)

boban+++there're kalahari surfers from south africa, much in the
recommended records vein (in fact they've released some stuff on chris
cutler label).
also way back in the 80's i was in touch with a south african boy called
jay scott that was involved in producing some electronic music there (he
had a cassette label called network 77, a band called sphinx and he also
did a fanzine and stuff).
as far as i can remember, he told me there was a quite lively scene in cape
ciao :: nic

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

{ { d i s c o g r a p h y } }

z_e_l_l_e | nth | line (aug 2001)
"zen enlightenment lifts life energy" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) jan 2002
"shayozoku" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) sept 2002

z_e_l_l_e | rjctd::nw | TBA (TBA)
"kitanai" on star6_789' v.2 (http://www.star6789.tk/) (TBA)
"tief herz" on crowns of sound (http://shi-ra-nui.hoops.ne.jp/) (TBA)

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REVIEWS http://www.12k.com/line/linepress.htm

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bi-weekly radio programme (tuesday_thursay hr. 12:30am on rai-radio3 ::
third channel of italian national broadcasting company)

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"blow up" (monthly) http://www.blowupmagazine.com
"rumore" (monthly) http://www.rumoremag.com

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

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00127 Roma
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