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Re: [microsound] re: mp3 and CD-r labels
>.formatt schrieb:
>>>Underground music often becomes mainstream, doesn't it? Look at jazz,
>>>blues, rock, punk, dance... all alternatives that ended up widely accepted.
>>>As long as there are new ideas, new underground styles will be born. We'll
>>>just have to keep those ideas coming : )
>>yeah, but most of the time the music will be reduced to a very fluffy
>>version of the 'original' underground sound, isn't it..??
>>i mean, as punk and jazz may be mainstream today, i still can't imagine
>>crass or cecil taylor being played on daytime popular radio.. :)
>i bought some furniture while ago at an IKEA-market and as i stood there
>and waited for some larger parts they played "Anarchy in the U.K.".
>i wasn't sure if this maybe was a call to start some burning and
>looting, but noone mockered.
well, sex pistols ain't crass!
ciao :: nic
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
{ { d i s c o g r a p h y } }
z_e_l_l_e | nth | line (aug 2001)
"zen enlightenment lifts life energy" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) jan 2002
"shayozoku" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) sept 2002
z_e_l_l_e | rjctd::nw | TBA (TBA)
"kitanai" on star6_789' v.2 (http://www.star6789.tk/) (TBA)
"tief herz" on crowns of sound (http://shi-ra-nui.hoops.ne.jp/) (TBA)
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