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15.11.02 - Framework playlist
Framework is broadcast alternate Fridays on Resonance FM, 104.4 in London
(UK), or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm GMT.
(time zone converter:
Next broadcast: 29.11.02
Framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized
sound activity
presented by Joel Stern and Patrick McGinley
Several raw recordings this week: Joel and myself, as well as submissions by
William English (who was kind enought to come down to the studio with the
only copy of his car alarm!) and a fasciniating release by Collin Olan.
Coming up on the 13th of December, a live phonography experiment with
dancer/choreographer Lisa Alexander. In the meantime, lots of great stuff
to play this Friday...
Again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field
recordings or field recording based composition. Send material, released or
not, on any format, to the address below. We are also hoping to have live
performances as often as possible, so if you are in or passing through
London please get in touch!
31 Nevill Road
London N16 8SL
(artist / title / album / label)
William English / particularly evocative and intriguing car alarm captured
by filmmaker English
Collin Olan / - / rec01 / Apestaartje
untreated recording of a stereo contact microphone frozen into a 10" by 10"
block of ice, then submerged in water
Eric La Casa/Slavek Kwi / Incandescence part 2 / Fonderie.Paccard /
Collectif & Cie
solo track from La Casa from this collaborative cd with Artificial Memory
Trace's Kwi using field recordings taken inside an active bell foundry
ascendre@xxxxxxx, skwi@xxxxxxx, info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Joel Stern / binaural recording inside a carbonated beverage bottle
Elsa Justel / Gwerz / cdr
composed from sounds of stone, and other materials (wood, metal, glass...)
in contact with stone, with heavy manipulation but delicate results
www.cdmc.asso.fr/html/compositeurs/bio/h_l/justel.htm (in french)
murmer / untreated recording of a contact microphone inside a bicycle bell
during a ride across London
Monos / Landscape / 360* / Anomalous Records
long developing and wonderfully lo-fi composition by Darren Tate and Colin
www.anomalousrecords.com, www.i-c-r.freeserve.co.uk