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short reviews about 3 20-min releases by punck, juha valkeapaa and kim cascone

Punck ? mu (20:14) www.punck.net
This is a self produced/released cd by Punck,
distributed by s'agita recordings. The music is parted
in 5 tracks that sound different, but have a similar
feeling. It starts with some kind of
neo-sinewave-ambient. The second track has something
that sounds like odd and cut real-sound effects,
repeated in a good and amusing way during the track?
Then some ambients appear, made of very clear,
intense, sharp and harmless stretched sounds, with
additional continuously present alien sound effects.
in one track even a phone conversation in italian
appears? Having in mind that pop interpretations of
experimental music can be a bit boring and repetitive
sometimes, it's great to hear experimental music like
this Punck release, without pop signs.

Juha Valkeapaa ? Siberian Summer (19:04)
Siberian Summer is the 3rd of 10 b-side project
releases planned by the spanish Barcelona based
independent label Testing Ground. Juha is a vocal
performer, but the music on this cd is basically and
mostly dense, crackle and permanently improvised
electronic soundscape in one almost 20min track, with
occasional voice fragments and distant brass tones.
Siberian Summer is composed for the Siberia exhibition
(may 2002 ? may 2003) in the Helsinki Museum of
Cultures. Simple, not pretentious microsound, icy

Kim Cascone ? Anti-Correlation (19:59)
a005, 6-track, cool square shaped disc. The sound is
similar with the Juha Valkeapaa cd, except here it's
divided in 6 parts. Easy-flowing, unsafely balanced
dense atmosphere. Although not similar in sound, this
release has a very similar mood with the atmosphere of
Blue Cube, an album by Kim Cascone released on Raster
Noton. Anti-Correlation is more tensed, but there are
about 45 minutes of Blue Cube, and here the sound is
compressed in half of it, and it is more intensive.
But still with a certain stability and without the
obvious direct pop approach, which is very refreshing.
I wouldn't mind if these 3 releases were a part of one
60min split release, they could be suitable


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