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Re: [microsound] [OT] .microsound soulseek room
In the rooms list, click on the "Rooms" heading to sort by room name.
Then, it's actually called ".microsound", with a period as the first
character. So, scroll down a bit from the top (apparently "." comes
after "!", "#", "%", etc.)
When I first got on slsk, about six months ago, there were about a
couple dozen rooms... sure has grown.
ph!L @ c e n t i b e l wrote:
>I can't find the microsound room. Am I stupid? (Okay, don't answer
>that.) But I looked at slsk 2day and did not see that room listed. Where
>is it/how do I get to it?
>Phil Thomson
>speaker/interlocutor (xenophony media, canada)
>scan (s'agita, italy)
>synat (acidfake, macedonia)
>Get the FREE email that has everyone talking at
><-----Original Message----->
>>From: vadim sprikut
>>Sent: 12/9/2002 1:25:14 PM
>>To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>Subject: Re: [microsound] [OT] .microsound soulseek room
>>function SetDomain(d) { document.domain = d; }my connection is always
>on (just not home too much
>>these days), but ill drop in and say hi tonight :)