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YO ben, use logic and you can automate seperate tracks in 5.1 and keep
certain noises [bass drum .bass lines]  then you can bounce it to 5.1 . in
the track mixer just change the outputs on the fader to surround and you
will get the joystick panner instead of the left and right. good luck.


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     .'    \    ;        \    www.djkero.com
    /       ;   :      .' ;   www.shitkatapult.com
   :        :    ;   .'   :   www.detroitunderground.net
   ;       @ ;   :  /      ;  www.bpitchcontrol.com
  :    _,   ,^--.; /      /:  www.lowres.com
  : .+""`,  :    `+,    .' |  www.kerologistics.com
   ) c),     `-,-=,;_.-'   :  www.satantechno.com
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