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[new audio arts project from matt wand and hayley newman. note that "computer 
music" is expressly forbidden :-) good luck! --derek]



  ANNOUNCING : a new independent phonographic gallery 
of sound works. 

independent of space, independent of funding bodies, 
This gallery is hereby inaugurated on 28th October 
Each show will exist only on 7 inch vinyl record with 
very basic black & white printed sleeve and some ( if 
necessary ) printed material inserted. ( special 
editions on 10inch vinyl may occur in the future ) 
Each show will contain anywhere from 2 to 10 
participants depending on length of submissions and 
curation of specific editions. 
Each show will be pressed & printed in an edition of 
350, individually 
numbered, at least 7 copies going to each 
showing artist or more depending on number of artists 
in that show. 
Individual submissions should be no less than 4 
seconds long and no 
more than 2 and Half minutes long,  an extension 
of this time restriction would be allowed for pieces 
of significant 
interest, or in the case of one man/woman 
retrospective shows 
The intention is to release a show Bi-monthly , but 
this may end up 
being Quarterly, it depends on the scope of activity 
out there.. 

The Gallery will show: Sound Actions, Audio 
interventions, Recorded 
Collations, Audible Surrealisms, Sound pieces derived 
from the Voice or Body, Sound pieces produced from 
mechanical devices or redundant electronic technology, 
Recordings of Sound Sculptures, Documents of specific 
sound performances, Sound Microscopy,  Sound documents 
of Installations where the sound is a significant, or 
at least interesting,  part of  the artwork. Sound 
Haiku, Recordings of short performances of  '' 
instructional text scores ''  and indeed ANY sound 
'object' or 'document' that could be construed as 
artistic merit or interest or might strike us as funny 
or just plain 

It is not necessary for the work to be contemporary, 
any recorded work 
from this or the last ( or even before that???) 
century is applicable. 

Each piece should include a reasonable black & white 
picture OR 
an explanatory text of not more than 200 words 
and can be submitted on CDR, Minidisc, DAT or cassette 
tape or Vinyl 
please bear in mind the limitations of Vinyl cutting 
technology, so audio containing certain extreme high 
or low frequencies may not be possible to cut, 
if in doubt, send it and let us decide. 

The Gallery  is not really interested in: Music or 
sound pieces made on 
computers ( though we fully understand that many works 
will be edited or compiled and then burnt onto CDR 
using computers, we just 
don't want pieces generated entirely in computers.) 
Conventionally Notated or modern Sequenced Music of 
ANY kind, unless 
performed on an acoustic or mechanical instrument 
built or found specifically as an artistic gesture. ( 
cf: the Harpsichord made 
entirely out of LEGO  ) 

ETA: show number one..................... 15th 
December 2002 

we are looking forward to hearing your 
  please e-mail:  200yards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   for 
the current postal address to send submissions to. 

This Gallery has been co-founded by Matt Wand & Hayley 
Newman and is a NON profit making undertaking. 
Any  proceeds from each edition will be passed on to 
the production of the next edition. 
thanks for your attention 
