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Re: [microsound] "ego complex"?
> .... Im not saying that
> electronic has less merit, i just think that electronic
> musicians as a whole tend to have an ego complex.
> ....
I would suggest that electronic musicians like most
musicians are 'sensitive ..
I read a lot on this list explaining why pop music is pop
music .. which normally starts from some mild criticism
of electronic music ..
(my irony is I have learnt alot about pop music here!)
.. people who are deeply into their music do appear
snobbish from an external view point . often you have
to meet them at their level . . which for the more
'lay person can seem rude !
as I grow and get more involved in my own ideas I do
find it harder to share thoughts with pop fans .. it's
difficult to water down your conversation sometimes .
however I am ever humbled by the basic in life . and
reminded to step out of my bubble .
.. so I think what Chad is trying to say is .. 'relax
music in any form is communication . understanding the
other person is essential to making better music ..
for an outsider electronic music can seem introspective
. . this combined with a non-commercial ethic creates
confusion / mis-understanding . . most people are not
equipped by modern life to understand these worlds .
it just makes no sense .. to them . . so on the defensive
they quantify it into ego . snobbery . even evil . arrggh
and in return underground communities . react in-turn .
' and as a passionate minority . our defences are often
on high . as we stand under the weight of popular culture
.. hence . 'sensitive people we can be
besides .
nearly every person who I have considered egotistical ..
once I have gotten to know them . better . appears as a
driven person with a strong belief in their own ideas ..
hmmm .
. .
. know your culture
. .