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now available from and/OAR

3 new releases, 3 crosspostings, and 3 apologies !!!  							
and/OAR is happy to announce the following new releases:
and/4  jarra - sama' 2 (dawn)										
and/5  Dale Lloyd - Eminus: Hymns From the Horizon						
and/6  rsundin - seismo										
The following paraphrased descriptions are from the and/OAR
and/4 - Sama' 2 (dawn) - Jarra  $8.00 (check, M/O, or PayPal) 

Jarra Schirris is a sound artist from The Netherlands, who has appeared
on one of the field recording compilations of phonography.org.  Sama' 2,
like Sama' 1 (and/3), was recorded in Taman Negara, Malaysia. Although
recorded in the same area, this recording presents an almost completely
different soundscape than the first one, which was made at dusk, further
illustrating the equally interesting and amazing sonic diversity in this
particular region. 																	
and/5 - Eminus: Hymns From The Horizon - Dale Lloyd  $8.00 (check, M/O,
or PayPal) 

Amorphic works composed from metal and wood sound sources (some of which
were objects performed by Jon Tulchin and Isaac Sterling), field
recordings, and voices. "Eminus came out of an ongoing fascination for
distant and indecipherable sounds. This work contains 6 silent tracks out
of 17, varying from 10 seconds to 55 seconds in length. Listening to this
disc while in the "shuffle" mode on your cd player, is highly recommended
after the first initial listen, if one is so inclined". - DL  
Packaged in a custom-made cardstock gatefold cover. 
and/6 - seismo - rsundin  $6.00 (check or M/O)  $6.50 (PayPal) 					

This is the first and/OAR  3" cdr release, of which is by Swedish sound
artist Ronnie Sundin. Seismo is supposed to be a full length version of
the piece entitled "seismo_1" which appears on the new lowercase sound
2002 compilation, but in fact, barely resembles it. Both are mostly slow
evolving, quiet, minimal pieces that build to a poignant inconclusive
resolve, but the overall compositional make-up of both are quite distinct
from one another. Packaged in a custom made card stock gatefold cover. 
***And remember, the (still new) composer compilations for
phonography.org are still available as well. Please see and/OAR web site
for details. 												
and/OAR:  http://www.and-oar.org/

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