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>this is why FAQ's are created (and newbies flamed
>;)...but I'm not sure that a FAQ would work for this sort of list...not sure
>how to keep the same basic observations from occurring over and over but if
>anyone has suggestions it would be good to hear them...
i don't think a faq is such a bad idea, but it does need a bit of
management from... "someone"...
the way i would see it, someone could archive snippets from the most
occuring answers to common topics like 'laptop performance', etc., so if
someone goes back to it you can simply answer something like: please go to
www.microsound.org/faq/laptop_performance.html (url not presently working
of course.)
it requires a dedicated person & some free time, but the truth is, once
those 'common topics' are assembled into a faq, there wouldn't be very much
more for this person to do.
of course, this list also needs an archive... but for other
reasons. certainly a newbie will not go through an archive to see if
something has been debated already. but it's useful to keep them
around. if anything, i keep all of my microsound mail into one folder so i
have a bit of an archive in my eudora folders... not that i ever use it...
have a nice day
~ david