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Re: [microsound] Newbie Quest Ions
This is a long one....
> 1. Making field recordings:
> What equipment do you use/where to get it?
> What do you record?
I must admit that I dont know much of mics,
which to use/are they any good etc...I use
an old shure mic and a sony minidisc for
field recordings -I'm satisfied with the
results I come up with, but on the other
hand, I havent tried any other solution so
I dont know what I'm missing, I guess..
> 2. Mixing etc:
> What hardware/softwre/OS do you use?
I run WinXP Pro on a 1.2Ghz PC; For
sequencing, I use Logic -and Cubase
sometimes. As editing the actual audio
files, I primary use CoolEdit and
SoundForge but also alot of other sound
processing software...I'm not by my own
computer right now, so I cant remember all
the others..sorry, email me off list and
I'll try give you a list tomorrow when I
come home...
> 3. Performing:
> How do you get started performing in
front of people?
I have used a variety of instruments and
effects live but it depends on which of my
projects I played live in..if it is Ö'dem I
use a Korg MS-2000 for some of the synth
parts, I have a long-time friend who plays
drums live on a electronic kit, a sampler
which can be triggered, lots of effects and
then a cd playing the rest, so not
that 'live' anyway :) ..in Ellis One I use
junk metal for percussion, transistor
radios, analogue echo machines, analogue
filters, dictaphones, contact mics, a drum
machine, and a kaoss pad -no playback or
computers involved here. Thats the two
active live projects now, I've played
with 'Central Nerve System' in the past
where we used circular saws, drills,
totally mangled bass guitars, and a sh-101
as the only sound sources, and the vocals
was in Danish :) Another was 2 computers,
one for triggering samples, the other for
playback -and 4 analogue synths, we only
played live once and thats a very long time
ago-never was an actual band, we just gave
one gig per request and then burried this
project .. also the basic line-up like
drums, bass, guitar in other very old
projects/bands. Sorry if its too long a
> I have always dreamed that I could make
>micromusic, and I love it, but
> until I got on the micromusic list, I
>really didn't have a clue what it
> was or even if anyone else could stand
>listening to it. I am really
> happy with all the stuff you guys are
>putting out.
This list also really opened up my eyes, I
have been listening to this kind of music
for some years, but I didnt know about the
list, and all the potential there actually
is in this kind of music, the many
different branches in microsound and the
alike; When I was told about the list I
joined. I am still trying to understand the
many aspects of this music, but I'm not
participating that much in the discussions
etc, I must admit that I dont feel like
giving my opinion to things I dont know
much about, so I read all the posts and
learn, eventually I may begin participating
more and not just announce new releases,
live info etc...I really would like to know
more before I speak up, so that I know what
I am responding to and so on... :)