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Re: [microsound] politics of parasites

I apologize for the rambling nature of what follows, but Jim's mail made me
think of a few vaguely connected things:

To get slightly away then from that repetitious nature of production, I
guess one way to attempt critique the economic structures of this particular
industry would be to release everything as MP3 (or Ogg or whatever other
less physical medium) and avoid the production of CDs.

Or the ultimate glitch critique might be to release glitch music on
unplayable CD's (smashed, scratched beyond repair etc). Of course, not many
people would buy it (in a way that would be a success!), but then a lot of
the more radical stuff is released in limited editions of 300-500 copies
anyway (pretty much assuming a 'preaching to the converted' approach).

The new music tools do indeed promote a new autonomy which could well prove
to be inclined towards a more direct politically critical creative process.
However, I can't help thinking that this was the same argument put forward
for home video when it was created. Of course this never happened (or at
least, it only happened for a short while, and mainly among and educated
elite). Perhaps not surprisingly the same arguments are resurfacing with
digital video - that it will liberate the living room. Don't get me wrong -
I'd love to see this happen, but unfortunately the industry (Sony et al.) is
too well accustomed to promoting the 'correct use' of it's technology -
filming the pets and kids etc.

And lastly, a CD anecdote: I read in  recent issue of the Wire that every CD
produced and distributed contributes 1.164 Kg of carbon dioxide emissions to
the atmosphere (I have no idea how authoritative this statistic is - maybe
someone else does). Additionally, one tree, over it's lifetime, will
compensate for the emissions 500 CDs. Presumably then, this is why Sting was
so concerned with the rainforests. All those platinum selling album's
contributing to the destruction of the planet must have weighed heavily on
his conscience.

Another good reason for limited edition glitch releases then...

