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best music 2002
2002 best 10++
these are some great albums released in 2002:
sutekh ? fell (orthlorng musork)
just hear this :) it's hard to explain this sound.
weird music i guess.
andrey kiritchenko ? 00.00 (a suite of the midnight)
this would be ambient-glitch. or smooth glitch. very
personal and original music.
janek schaefer ? pulled under (audioh)
very quiet album... amazing soundscapes, it's great in
a way some biosphere albums are great, like
'substrata' and 'birmingham frequencies'.
electric birds ? gradations (mille plateaux)
fantastic. it's almost unbelievable how mike martinez
manages to achieve that level of original sound in the
field of ambient music. or, clicks'n'cuts ambient...
manual ? ascend (morr music)
great album, composed music. some call it shoegaze
idm, some reviewers say it's nothing special, but
everyone likes it. it's carefully composed music.
bip-hop 2002: [v.1] tonne soundtoy 2x12
[audio/software]; scanner + tonne ? sound polaroids;
komet + / vs bovine life ? reciprocess 01; v-a bip hop
generation 5; twine ? recorder; andrew duke ? sprung;
no comment :)
tomas jirku ? entropy (intr_version)
this would be dub the intr_version way :) or jirku
way... fantastic album. i read somewhere that jirku
says he's not good in making melodies. it's great when
someone is aware of that, and it's obvious that the
music on 'entropy' is more rhythm-based. there are
even some scary parts.
taku sugimoto and annette krebs ? eine gitarre...
(rossbin) http://www.rossbin.com/
this music is improvisation with guitars, and sounds
very minimalistic. some parts are complete silence.
amazingly done. rossbin is very interesting label from
italy. annette is a part of the guitar-improvisation
scene in berlin.
eu ? warm math (pause 2) http://eu.mu.ru/
pop songs and melodies... eu = yolachnie igrooshki =
toys hanged on christmas trees... i think there's no
word for this in english language, maybe christmas
decorations :)
coh ? mask of birth (mego)
great album. experimental sound that sounds like
best wishes,
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