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Re: [microsound] Cage

besides bullshit.
are really beautiful pieces.


> I suppose it would be hackneyed to suggest that the silent piece is
> pretty essential listening. The best thing about it is that it's free!
> It might be equally hackneyed to point out that Cage wasn't very fond
> of
> recordings. I think he would rather you composed your own music rather
> than listening to recordings of his. Even better, from Cage's point of
> view (or is that "point of listening"?), would be not to compose, but
> just to listen to the sounds that there are. That might be the most
> essential listening you could do with regards to Cage.
> But having said that, if you are looking for recordings of pieces that
> give you a sense of the spirit of Cage's work, Guillaume's list is
> probably pretty good. You could go to www.ubu.com and get some mp3's
> of
> some of his spoken word stuff. Or you could determine what pieces to
> download or buy by using chance operations. You might find something
> more interesting that way. Just a thought.
> Phil
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> <-----Original Message----->
> > 
> >From: Guillaume Grenier
> >Sent: 7/1/2003 9:24:47 PM
> >To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: Re: [microsound] Cage
> >
> >On 07/01/03 21:14, "Musicmax@xxxxxxx" said in living color: 
> >
> > Hi fellow Microsounders, 
> > what would be the essential listening of John Cages work?audio? 
> >
> >I suppose you are looking for recordings? [snip]

