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Fallt Update

Dear All,

At the risk of jumping the gun as I need to contact most of the artists
directly first. There are a raft of new releases coming out on Fallt in the
very near future.

On Fallt:

Aut | Home
Christopher Willits | Pollen
si-cut.db | Offices at Night

On the Fallt Live Series:

Komet | Arc, Live @ SWR Freiburg
Hard Sleeper | Land, Live @ Rausch

On Ferric:

Ian Andrews | Ceremonial
tu m' | Pop Involved

Additionally we're working on a streamlining and redesign/upgrade of the
website. I was moving swiftly along with most of the above, but
unfortunately my wife has been quite ill over the last few weeks. Over the
Christmas break she picked up a virus - glands swollen, eyes extremely
inflamed - and she's been very unwell since.

Needless to say this - and being a full-time father - has absorbed all of
my time.

I can only apologise at what might seem the somewhat intermittent state
of releases at Fallt, but hope that the overall state of things may change
over the coming months. We have been struggling with funding of late, and
are looking into ways to remedy this.

Bear with us, I hope you'll agree that the changes we're in the process of
making will prove worthwhile.
Take care,


| """..NOW PLAYING..00.01.2003---||||...
| 0000
| XXXX---- TEAM DOYOBI | EMPIRE --------------------- <>
| XXXX---- PLANK | SOLO COMPUTER MUSIC ----------- \\
| 0000 \\\\..\\\\

http://www.fallt.com  |  info@xxxxxxxxx
