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Re: [microsound] slightly [ot] newbie question
Have any of you tried anything with the 'nyquist window' in audacity 1.1?
I found some documentation on nyquist. . . can't quite figure out what
numbers to write in the window. I know what I'd like to accomplish:
take a small section of a 5 minute composition , select that section and use
nyquist for a sort of 'uber tone control' -develop numerical codes for
modifying sounds.
Any suggestions , besides ; jump off a cliff , try another application or
find a new girlfriend ?
(two of the three are unacceptable.)
on 1/20/03 3:27 AM, Derek Holzer at derek@xxxxxxx wrote:
> hi mel,
> try Audacity. it ain't too pretty, nor fancy like cool edit [the app it most
> resembles], but it gets the job done, has multi-track capabilities, operates
> on
> win/mac/linux platforms, is free, and open-source too....
> http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
> best,
> --derek
> Quoting isidore d <mel_ducasse@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> i can't find any editing freeware that will help me
>> do simple things like cut, paste and fade sounds to try and get them in some
>> sort of order. can anyone help with suggestions?
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