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[microsound] re. industry loses big

I just joined the list recently and I just wanted to throw a 	thought into 
the ring on this issue.

I am from Australia and most cds are $(AU)30-34 for a *single* cd. As 
someone on a low income that is far too expensive for me to buy anywhere 
near the volume of music that I would like to. I don't download that much 
music but I have to say that the current cost per unit is, in my opinion, 
too high.

When you look at the strain that most of our incomes are under now and the 
amount of outlets that are competing for our entertainment (or otherwise) 
dollar it is no wonder that music sales are declining. The *perceived* 
value of a cd is much less than a dvd to most people - perhaps a reason for 
the latter's explosive growth in sales. Whether the real value is any less 
is a matter of personal opinion but when you pick up a dvd with a whole 
heap of extras and compare it to a plain cd it certainly looks a lot better.

my 0.02,
