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Re: [microsound] [OT} guns and banks
I recently re-read the book with writings by the german 70's "terrorist" group RAF with a slightly different view of guns and banks - they actually went out and did it.
But I wouldnt compare the "All your files are belong to us" crowd with RAF or Michael Moore or anyone inbetween. I have seen a lot of posts and arguments from this crowd and they are not a bunch of revolutionaries (or even evolutionaries) who want to change the world (right or wrong). I would more like characterise their arguments as old fashioned conservative egoism. "I want to do whatever I want to do and to hell with everyone else".
So its not a political act. And since we are mainly talking about the rich industrialised countries we are not talking about economics - they could afford to buy the CD:s.
These people are certainly not strengthening the position of independent artists or 3rd world artists by trying to remove the only small bits of protection these artists have had from abuse by fat western cats who are sampling for their next single/CDR or maybe making a commercial for The Coca-Cola Company.
>> And since banks no doubt are robbing money from their customers makes it
>> perfectly o.k. to go buy a gun from a guy in some alley and start robbing
>> banks.
>for a primer on how related guns and banks really are check out Michael
>Moore's film: "Bowling for Columbine"
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