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Love and married'n'Dark!!!

Hi everybody!!!

For Sunday afternoon, in my radio show called "electrons libres" I'm in
search of tracks microsound(Glitch'n'Cut's'Dancefloor with a piece of mel=
easy-listening) in Mp3...I'm on Cumputer called Amiga4000(remember...the
"classics" tracker like Octamed....DSS....) and It's very impossible for =
to go to Soulseek or Emule...
Can you Help me please???

n this day of large tiredness (but it was well also bluffant "the
malignant one" of John Huston in the cinema of midnight) here the playlis=
ideal to rest.

Playlist of 19/02/03:
1-Vessel:Balance(Expanding records) http://www.expandingrecords.com =

        -Album "Dreaming in Pairs"...pas d'erreur,la surprise du mois!!!u=
label a surveiller de tr=E8s pr=E8s cette ann=E9e!!!
Bonus:Un petit fado bien triste!!!
2-Viewmix:Zero Generalizability(Karate-Joe,Metamkine)
        -Album "Delay makes me nervous"
3-Quantazelle:Melly(Autoprod) http://www.quantazelle.com
        -EP "Quantazelle"...je suis tomb=E9 froutraquement sous le charme=

nerveux de sa musique et d'elle aussi...Quantazelle,besoin d'un
distributeur en France???
4-The Soft Pink Truth:Promofunk(Soundslike records)
        -Album "Do you Party"...on salive d'avance!!!
Bonus:Cut'n'fuck'up this bitch of music bizzness...with Britney Spears:Sl=
4 you/TLC:No Scrubs
        -Album "Beets"
6-Mou,Lips:Letter(from home-remix) more info on http://www.mou-lips.com
and http://www.observatoryonline.org/os18/index.html
        -Ep "Nord me"...on attend avec impatience l'album sur List!!!
7-Flatic:06(Plop records)
        -Album "Nano/youth"
8-Akufen:Oral 03(Telegraph,La baleine)
        -Compil "Post Office"
9-DJ Rupture:High resolution(Soor records)
        -from soor records on the web
10-TTC feat Dose One & Hi Tekk Le receleur:Pas d'armure(Remix
Ddamage)[Active suspension/Clapping music/Chronowax]
        -Compil " Active suspension Vs Clapping Music"...Compilation du
11-Dsico:Keep it real Bitch-JLo remix cut up and
        -Pour finir en beaut=E9 fatale!!!

C fini pour la playlist...et now on va faire une petite sieste!!!


Radio B=E9ton 93.6/electrons libres
90 avenue Maginot
37100 Tours
