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book club choices

we will be putting the following book choices up on the microsound.org site
for a vote...
we're going to rig one of those website voting utilities where it allows you
to select a book by selecting a radio button and then tally the results in a
graph/number chart...
we'll try to get that working by next week...I'll let everyone know what the
status of that is...

book choices:
- 'Noise Water Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts' - Doug Kahn
- 'Noise' - Jacques Attali
- 'Experimental Sound and Radio'  by Allen S. Weiss
- 'Style and Idea' - Arnold Schoenberg
- 'Wireless Imagination' - ed. Kahn/Whitehead
- 'England's Dreaming' -  Jon Savage
- 'People Funny Boy' - David Katz
- 'Ocean of Sound' - David Toop
- 'More brilliant than the Sun' - Kodwo Eshun
- 'Silence'  John Cage
- 'The Ambient Century, the Evolution of Sound in the Electronic Age' - Mark

if you want to add a title DO IT NOW! send it to the list asap...

