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Re: [microsound] ***new microsound project***
same here...I need a password to participate to what sounds like a fun
project. thanks,
joseph peterson (walrusandthecarpenter)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kim Cascone" <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound_list" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "tad" <tad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 12:52 AM
Subject: [microsound] ***new microsound project***
Microsound Project:
Othe stone cast, the ripple made¹
January 17 2003
I've always found creating waveforms using time-domain methods much more
interesting than the typical FFT based methods...while I was working for
Staccato Systems I came across a PC application called OWigout¹
http://grace.evergreen.edu/~arunc/ that was developed by Arun Chandra...in a
nutshell, OWigout¹ allows one to create waveforms by transforming Osegments¹
in timeSthe docs at the website will explain all this in more detailS
fast forward: after speaking with Tad Turner about the idea of implementing
Wigout in Max/MSP he developed a patch that incorporates the functionality
of Wigout plus some extra features...after playing around with Tad¹s patch
for a short while I was able to create some very unique sounds and thought
that his patch could become the basis for a very cool list project...
btw: you can find seven soundfiles that I created with Tad¹s OWigout¹ patch
in the 'stone_and_ripple' folder...listen to them and/or use them if you
so, here is the microsound list project invitation:
- using either the PC version: Wigout (download this app from the website
listed below) or the MacOS version (which will be uploaded to the microsound
server this weekend): create a new work no longer than 6 minutes in
- Caveat: the PC version of Wigout is similar to Csound in that it requires
the user to compile several text files (3 actually: segments, states and
events files) in order to output a soundfileSwhile the scripting language is
clearly explained in the doc¹s and relatively straightforward, it does
require some previous experience with scripting in general...
[fyi: the name of this project ('the stone cast, the ripple made') comes
from a paper written by Arun that can be found on the website listed above]
- The Max/MSP version of Wigout has a graphic user interface and is easier
to use but runs only on the MacOS platform.
application locations:
- PC version: http://grace.evergreen.edu/~arunc/
also, the website above has papers that describe the process and theory
behind Wigout & TrikTraks
- MacOS version: is on the microsound hotline server:
Main Files Section/Uploads/stone_and_ripple
[microsound hotline server: microsound.synthesizer.org
also, see http://www.bigredh.com for downloading a PC/MacOS hotline client]
***IMPORTANT *** - if you don't already have a password to the microsound
server you must FIRST get a password from me to be able to upload and
download files from the server
also, you have to be a listmember in order to get this pswd.
again, this invite is to microsound list members ONLY
*get the Wigout Max/MSP app here-> path: Main Files
*put your piece here -> path: " Main Files
- remember to name your folder something unique and not 'myfolder"
* the deadline for submissions (submission means posting to the list that
you have uploaded a piece into the Ostone_and_ripple¹ folder) is March 1st
some guidelines:
- post only 128kbps 44.1kHz stereo .mp3 files
- first make a folder within the OMain Files
Section/Uploads/stone_and_ripple¹ folder and upload your finished work to
that folder
- post to the list that you have uploaded your piece (include the name of
the piece)
*IMPORTANT* - please do the following when putting files on the server:
- use filetype suffixes in your filenames...such as Omynewpiece.mp3¹
- do not use spaces or non-alphanumerics chars in filenames (underbars_
- example of bad filename: O#my, #new, #piece!.mp3¹
- example of good filename: OmyNewPiece.mp3¹ or 'my_new_piece.mp3'
(sans quotes of course)
this makes things more clear for everyone
ALL styles of microsound are welcome
PLEASE post all comments, suggestions and ideas *to the list* and NOT to me
also, please DO NOT ask me for tutorials on how to operate the Hotline
clientSI am very busy with other projects and cannot spend time instructing
people on how to use Hotline.
above all have fun!