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Re: [microsound] book club choices

The German jazz critique and theoretical physicist Joachim-Ernst Berendt (in the
U.S. also translated as Joachim Ernest Berendt) has written two books I'd like
to recommend:

-- The World Is Sound: Nada Brahma Music and the Landscape of  Consciousness

-- The Third Ear: On Listening to the World (in the U.S. currently only
available at a ridiculous high price: $108.00!!!  The German edition back in the
eighties was much less expensive although it came in a box with tapes)

"This remarkable book argues that the rise of materialistic, patriarchal western
civilization has been accompanied by the elevation of the eye over the ear as
the preferred sensory organ, with profoundly negative results for humankind. To
support this thesis, the author--a theoretical physicist, jazz scholar, and
world traveler--takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the realms of
comparative anthropology, mythology, acoustics, biology, psychology, and dozens
of related fields. Berendt draws sweeping yet believable analogies."


Kim Cascone wrote:

> we will be putting the following book choices up on the microsound.org site
> for a vote...
> we're going to rig one of those website voting utilities where it allows you
> to select a book by selecting a radio button and then tally the results in a
> graph/number chart...
> we'll try to get that working by next week...I'll let everyone know what the
> status of that is...
> book choices:
> ==========
> - 'Noise Water Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts' - Doug Kahn
> - 'Noise' - Jacques Attali
> - 'Experimental Sound and Radio'  by Allen S. Weiss
> - 'Style and Idea' - Arnold Schoenberg
> - 'Wireless Imagination' - ed. Kahn/Whitehead
> - 'England's Dreaming' -  Jon Savage
> - 'People Funny Boy' - David Katz
> - 'Ocean of Sound' - David Toop
> - 'More brilliant than the Sun' - Kodwo Eshun
> - 'Silence'  John Cage
> - 'The Ambient Century, the Evolution of Sound in the Electronic Age' - Mark
> Prendergast
> if you want to add a title DO IT NOW! send it to the list asap...
> :)
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