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Re: [microsound] mp3 redux [OT]
dj spw wrote:
> Why is it so bad to have population control, globalization, and
> have colonies on other planets like the Moon and Mars?
> There is a lot to learn from exploring outer space, discovering life on
> other planets, using other planets resources.
But if it happens the way it happened here on earth (where exploration
often meant killing, discovery meant destruction and using the ressources
meant taking it away from populations already there) I don't see how we
have evolved psychologically despite having evolved technologically. I
don't see those in power being ripe enough psychologically to keep pace
with their technological power. I get the expression that we do a lot of
things simply because we can without bothering about the consequences. As
soon as problems arise out of those consequences we try to "fix" them in a
hurry getting deeper and deeper into a "spiral of progess". We tend to
think in simple cause and effect strategies often forgetting the
interrelatedness of the whole.
But this is getting very abstract and general. Let's state it as this: I
simply don't share your optimism concerning technology and the human race,
and by "race" I mean both senses of the word.
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