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Re: [microsound] half full or half empty?

> the view (stated in the form of a question) that we are 'saving' an
> 'agonizing genre' is pessimistic and doomed to failure since there is no
> actual genre of microsound per se...only a wide collection of various
> and 'takes' on post-digital culture as it applies to creating music/sound
> with software...the purpose of this list is to synthesize new ideas that
> help stimulate new work/discourse in the field of electronic music...

Well, first of all, sorry, my original message somehow got sent before I
succeeded to finish it, so
the optimistic part was supposed to follow :) I have to admit that I used
"saving an agonizing genre"
sentence to provoke discussion , rather than reflect my real feelings about
the list activity.
I also feel that our purpose should be looking forward, searching and
producing new ideas, new meanings,
new techniques,
doing so in the process of sharing and mutual critique.
Concerning noise to ratio relationship in electronic music - I don't feel
that stasis is anyhow connected to
the quantity or quality of produced artefacts.What I meant is that
music in its current stage of development seems to fail to produce new
meanings the way , say, neo-folk
tries to do( I know the newishness of their concept is doubtful in many
senses, but still, they are looking for an alternative,
for the way out of the trap) Many of the texts on EM seem to delve in the
illusion that
the mix, the machine-beat, the cut-up, the randomality are so progressive,
while we know all these principles
were developed more than 40 years ago. The face of the world has changed
drastically since then (I know, I know - it's
just another round up the spiral)  - and every day brings us new surprises.
Wasn't it Stockhausen that called the WTC incident
"the greatest work of art of the century" (or something like that). So the
question I am asking is
how does EM show us the way further, where can it take us, what tools of
violence management
(going back to Attali's article) is it giving us. The fact that right now I
don't see a clear answer to these questions
is what gives me this feeling of being stuck.
It's probably just the need to give myself some justification of what I am
doing, but I am sure many of the listers
ask themselves these same questions, and sharing the possible answers is ,
again, the purpose of this list.
So in the end, Kim, we agree, even if I am pessimistic and doomed to failure
(is there aesthetics in it? :))
and you are optimistic and doomed to success :)


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