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Re: [microsound] re: shameful self promotion


>if you do not like the rules I help set up for the microsound list then you
>are free to unsub from this list and start your own list with all the rules
>that you like...

this sounds a little like "this is my feud".  the matter is not the rules, 
it's if u respect your own rules...

>and again the list is  _not moderated_  but it is guided by tolerance and
>courtesy (sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't)

perhaps we must translate it as tolerance and courtesy it's not to critic 
one of the manners of one of the founders of this list?

>the founders (one of which is me) set up this list to share ideas even if
>those ideas happened to be embedded in plastic and aluminum and made
>available to other list members for money...the founders only request is
>that 'For Sale' lists do not get posted here (a URL directing people to a
>'For Sale' list is perfectly OK) and that any promotional posts are kept
>somewhat short...

it's curious how similar is your use of "share" to the different propaganda 
i get in my mailbox...

>it is important that this list remains a place where events, CD's, mp3's,
>thoughts, discussions, books, essays, projects, etc (all things microsound
>related) are able to be shared...

of course. understand it's difficult to mark the limits. perhaps the limit 
is that hurry up message about your cds getting low... what are u "sharing" 


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