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Max/jMax/Pd for Mac OS X [and the list project]?

So with the current list project using Max/MSP, there are obviously 
some folks on here who are familiar with this breed of DIY audio 
software.  Those folks probably also know about the open source sister 
projects jMax and Puredata (Pd).  But there also seem to be many who 
have stayed in Mac OS 9 to use Max/MSP, and thus can use the Wigout 
clone that runs via the Max/MSP runtime.

I've tried the Max/MSP beta for OS X, but the Wigout clone doesn't run 
on it.  I know that jMax and Pd both run on OS X (the latter takes some 
tweaking, but it works).  But I really have no idea where to start with 
them.  Yes, I've loaded up some patches and such, but I haven't yet 
found any documentation (in English) that's a good primer for these 
rather obfuscated pieces of software.

So I guess my questions are as follows:
1. Is there some way, Max/MSP or otherwise, to run the Wigout clone on 
2. Which of either jMax or Pd do you consider to be better, both on OS 
X and in general?
3. Where the heck can you find out how to use them? (and I don't mean 
'readme's and obvious links like http://www.puredata.org; I'm looking 
for useful, usable tutorials)

Thanks for contributing answers to any or all of the above.  The Max 
(and derivatives) world is pretty wacky compared to Reaktor, and any 
guidance is much appreciated.

Alexander F Payne   |   http://www.al3x.net/
