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Re: [microsound] McCapitalism
Hi List,
Id like to share a very short story with all of you concerning this whole
Capitalist/mp3 talk.I came to this country US. when i was a little kid from
Russia,St. petersburg/moscow.A now former communist (or like my fellow
Americans like to still call it ,the evil empire,the subhuman state,ooff
terrible?with which i disagree)country as you know.Well i was blessed to have
parents who were (really ,really) almost pop symbols(oh terrible word,i know)
famous musicians,who decided to immigrate because the central arts agency
that controlled music/art blocked my parents from the freedom of choosing
there own art and how to perform it.They were told what to perform and where
constantly(radio,TV).If they didnt listen they would be banned altogether
from doing what they so dedicated there life to.All sale proceeds went to the
state.Now to the interesting part,upon leaving ,the KGB ,and let me tell
you,my dad was one of the first underground/secret jazz players in
St.Petersburg,when Western music was almost prohibited by the state as
narcotics.And my mom sang on over 40 films (40 films!!),recorded close to 30
albums!!!...(those are high #s rite?),were talking 60s to 70s ,anyways the
KGB declared us as traitors of the state and our punishment was the
DEMAGNETIZATION of all audio masters pertaining to my folks(total
wipeout),,,,royalties?you ask?what royalties?respect?what respect?0,so that
is how some systems operate,,and this is a true story...Now my folks are in
their age thinking wow?what the fuck happened,no money ,no
honey,....especially after finding out in the states about
royalties,copyrights,songwriters rights?and etc...the point im trying to make
is that what is happening now to music and art in general is not THAT BIG of
a deal,and the truth to it is ,is that it can be worked thru.I believe it can
and so should you,and artists who do dedicate there time and life to make
others more joyful and educated do deserve a cd sale,no doubt.I have no hard
feelings over what happened to me or my family because i value people over
systems.And if you have any moral decency youll understand what im refering