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Re: [microsound] Re: perception
> prolly i get confused in a list where someone ask for a microsound xxl =
> tshirt to make a detourment in a sculpture... we are really cool, =
> situationsit, or just to make propaganda?
> think pc it's not working so hard here...
> my error
> mea.culpa
> anyway...
> enough for me
> and for cascona
> and for castratti
> and for cascatela
> and for cascatela.again
> lala
> jusep torres campalans
why are you on this list anyway? i guess that you subscribed for some =
reason, maybe
because you were involved in this genre and the genres below....but =
reading the stuff
you post makes me think that your dad's subscription to microsound might =
not include
his 8-year-old son aswell......so cool down and dont touch outlook =
before your dad's
home, okay?
pale_mother recordings | experimental | noise | avantgarde | =
INPUT>>>> http://www.syntheticwaste.tk
OUTPUT>>> glitch, microsound, clicks, minimal, microwaves, cut-ups