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Re: [microsound] [Fwd: [AfroFuturism] Arundhati Roy: ConfrontingEmpire] [OT]

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Hmm... the essay in question was attached to a previous post... I'll 
attach it to this one too, in case you can't find it. It's actually not 
by DJ Spooky; he just posted it to the AfroFuturism list... and it has 
nothing to do with AfroFuturism either. It's the text of a presentation 
given by a man name Arundhati Roy at the World Social Forum in Porto 


graham miller wrote:

>where's the link for the spooky essay... also, if you're into the concept of
>afrofuturism try kodwo eschun's 'more brilliant than the sun: adventures in sonic
>fiction.' beautifully written, in a high tech poetic prose... one of my
>favourites, although i'm sure i spelled his last name correctly - lent the book to
>a friend...

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