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sorry, we only deal with exciting music

hello all,

here's your friend david from the world famous label, no type,

while our website is being repaired (a matter of time... which
fortunately we all have in copious quantities :), i thought it would be
appropriate to announce some new exciting CD & vinyl releases from no
type for the year 2003 which should interest fellow listmembers.  look
out for them in the very near future in a store near you!  (& if you
don't find them, order them direct from good old electrocd.com!)


MONTREAL FREE -- 4 CD box set

there has been much interest in the bristling montreal free improv
scene, & yet, no label had yet dared to put this outrageous music to
disc.  no type outdoes everyone by releasing this beautiful, definitive
box set containing no less than 4 full-length CDs by 4 different groups
featuring montreal's most innovative & exciting musicians of free
improv.  featuring sam shalabi (shalabi effect), john heward, thierry
amar (GY!BE), philemon (napalm jazz) & many others.  cover artwork by
john heward, liner notes by mathieu belanger.

this highly desirable, landmark release will be available for ordering
in march 2003.  we cannot recommend it enough.


ALSO COMING UP (dates subject to change):

APRIL 2003:

- coin gutter: (title TBA) CD
vancouver duo's debut CD: dramatic, impressionnistic, warm
acousmatic/noise improcompositions...

- a_dontigny + diane labrosse: _telepathie_ CDEP
stunning live collaboration recorded at the casa del popolo in montreal,
worth every minute of your attention!

JUNE 2003:

- books on tape: _hey typical!_ 10"
funky single following his triumphant debut CD _throw down your laptops_
(going further up every week on CMJ's BPM chart...)

- claudia bonarelli: _may '68_ 10"
groovy clickhouse from sweden, claudia bonarelli has been featured on
the latest _clicks n cuts_ compilation from mille plateaux...

- headphone science: _we remain faded_ CDEP
cut-up hip-hop/IDM crossover, highly exciting, will stick to your CD
player for weeks.

AUGUST 2003:

- tomas jirku: _bleak 1999_ CD
finally revealed for all to hear, canada's electronica boy wonder's
previously unknown gem from 1999...  we're all scratching our heads as
to why this hasn't been put to disc before, but there ya go...

& later in 2003/04:

- books on tape: _books on tape sings the blues_ (tentative title) CD
- jon vaughn + max haiven: _front_ CD
- metaxu: _rumors of war_ CD
- 833-45: _tunguska_ CD
& more stuff not yet confirmed, to be announced when we know for sure...



while notype.com is in recovery, why don't you try
http://www.electrocd.com/notype/ for more details on the above?  huh, why?!?!



we're always looking for new media outlets (magazines, radio...) so
don't hesitate to hook up with our PR department (erick at
<ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>) if that sounds like you!

thanks for bearing with us,

have a nice day
~ david
