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Eric on mutek 2003
At 9:53 PM -0800 1/21/03, vadim sprikut wrote:
>does anyone know when the details for mutek03 (other than the dates) will be released? or any other info for that matter...
Eric Mattson, co-editor of MUTEK 2003 CD.
The CD will be released some weeks before next MUTEK festival edition. WE do work on the program itself since a while and will end it in the weeks to come...then...the CD will be edited.
As last years (MUTEK 2001-2002), it will contain UNRELEASED material from the artists who will perform at MUTEK 2003.
Distributed though MUTEK, ORAL, Fusion 3, Kompakt, Westberlin etc....
Eric Mattson
-ORAL curator
-MUTEK programmateur / curator /CD editor
Ex-Centris, 3530 boul. St-Laurent, suite 406
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2X 2V1
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ORAL
ORAL_CD#3 : Christof Migone, South Winds
ORAL_CD#2 : MONOTON, Monotonprodukt 07 [20y++]
ORAl_CD#1 : Ælab, Sparks, 2000
ORAL_CDr12 : Tlon, "acoustic lazy dolls"
ORAL_CDr10 : Mylena Bergeron, Chronopée (1), 2002
ORAL_CDr09 : I8U, Obsctacle phase 2, 2002
ORAL_CDr08 : Gustavo Lamas (argentine), desatanudos, 2002
ORAL_CDr07 : Tlon, Morphine Valley, 2002
ORAL_CDr06 : Thomas Brinkmann, Petitgand, Nikolai,..., 2002
ORAL_CDr05 : Nancy Tobin, Cruel Mystère, 2002
ORAL_CDr04 : Ælab, Hex, 2001
ORAL_CDr03 : VOLT-AA (03) Apropriation : Martin Tétreault, Helen of Troy, Tim Hecker, 2002
ORAL_CDr02 : VOLT-AA (02) la Grille : Deadbeat, Ensemble, Alexandre Burton, 2002
ORAL_CDr01 : VOLT-AA (01) Le Silence : Ælab, I8U, Alexandre St Onge, 2001
__________________ MUTEK
Cd MUTEK 2001-Akufen - denture broth-Jonas Bering - maze-thomas brinkmann - bariolé, découpé, déplacé-Goem - lokatie.rotterdam-Matmos - ur tchun tan tse gi-Closer Music - Piraten -Dettinger - lot-Ælab- nanospace
-Jetone - untitled-Mikael Stavöstrand - vertical-Process - hint-Mitchell Akiyama - sea spray-Gustavo Lamas-enredos
Cd MUTEK 2002, -Stephan Mathieu-AGF-Ben Nevile-Farben-Radboud Mens-Hakan Lidbo-Shannon & the Mole-Murcof-Nova Huta,-Felix Kubin
-Hellothisisalex-Timeblind-vitaminsforyou,-dioxyde-Deadbeat,-AGF/Dlay-Ghislain Poirier
CD Goem, "Gast", not a compilation but collaborative works generated by Goem, at their hostel room while MUTEK 2002
11 tracks, 2001, CD-Taylor Deupree - room-Taylor Deupree - second-Richard Chartier - gast.re-Taylor Deupree - second walk-Matmos - rhinestone -M.Stavostrand .gmrmxmntr101-Mitchell Akiyama - not to scale-Richard di Santo - erst-I8U - harusame--Ælab--Goem
__________________ distribution:
ORAL http://www.oral.qc.ca : oral@xxxxxxxxxx
DIFFUSION i MeDIA (CAN) http://www.electrocd.com/
A-Muzik. (D) . Stora (D). Westberlin (G) . Mdos (AUS) . Staalplaat (NL) . Digital Narcis (JPN)