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RE: [microsound] apple root
Somebody told me the other day that the apple in Apple refers to the poison
apple Alan Turing used to commit suicide, and that it is rainbow coloured
refers to his homosexuality. Great if it's true, but I'm sure people on
this list will be able to clarify/correct this story.
-----Original Message-----
From: dbuchwald [mailto:dagmar.buchwald@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 February 2003 15:12
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] sloganeering
shoot, eventually I got the joke of this logo... Sorry, I didn't see it
before. Maybe Microsoft didn't leave that kind of imprint on my mind. But
"microsound -- think small", I like that one.
On the whole, I'd also like something in the style of
www.microsound.org/parasites better.
Kim Cascone wrote:
> > An idea that came to mind is using this microsoft/microsound design for
> > sticker for placing on your local SUV's: "Microsound - think small".
> or how about "Think inside the box"
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