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[ot] transportation

j.frede said
> 8 million people with a very limited subway system and a city that 
> spans hundreds of miles, i would say the freeways are very > intelligent.

okay, enjoy your smart smog!  I do my best to use cars as seldom as 
possible, which makes los angeles kind of like my personal vision of 

Kim said
> on the other hand: have you ever tried to get around using BART or the 
> MUNI systems? it is an unreliable, inefficient and painful way to get 
> around

my experiences with public transportation in san francisco have been 
okay, actually.  if the price of cars and gas reflected more accurately 
the costs they are exacting from all of us the relative efficiency and 
painfulness of public transport might improve in your eyes.  if more 
people used transit the service would become more robust, reliable, 
extensive, etc.

most depressing is that everyone here already knows this yet the love 
affair with the car continues.  everybody is gung ho to participate in 
marches to stop stupid wars, but when it comes to small personal 
decisions that can REALLY affect change we gap out, get lazy, and give 
our money to the people we purport to detest.  what does this say about 
human nature?

obnoxiously self-righteous,
exposing the granola influence of victoria, canada,
